Course curriculum
Welcome to English for Beginners at QSoE!
Course Overview
Course Learning Outcomes
Acknowledgement of Territory
Moving Around the Course
Useful Links, Support and Information
Drop-in Session with a Native Speaker: Time and Zoom Link
Module 1: Introductions
Learning Objectives
TASK 1: Introduction - Part 1 of 2
TASK 1: Introduction - Part 2 of 2
TASK 2: Introduce Yourself - Part 1 of 6
TASK 2: Introduce Yourself - Part 2 of 6
TASK 2: Introduce Yourself - Part 3 of 6 (Vocabulary Builder )
TASK 2: Introduce Yourself - Part 4 of 6 (Vocabulary Builder)
TASK 2: Introduce Yourself - Part 5 of 6 (Vocabulary Practice)
TASK 2: Introduce Yourself - Part 6 of 6
TASK 3: Grammar Focus
TASK 4: Grammar Sub-Focus
TASK 5: Reading - Part 1 of 2
TASK 5: Reading - Part 2 of 2 (Quiz)
TASK 6: Listening - Part 1 of 2
TASK 6: Listening - Part 2 of 2 (Quiz)
TASK 7: Writing
TASK 8: Real World Practice
TASK 9: Speaking
TASK 10: Module 1 Final Quiz
Module 2: Relationships
Learning Objectives
TASK 1: Introduction - Part 1 of 2
TASK 1: Introduction - Part 2 of 2
TASK 2: Vocabulary Building - Part 1 of 5
TASK 2: Vocabulary Building - Part 2 of 5
TASK 2: Vocabulary Building - Part 3 of 5 (Matching Activity 1)
TASK 2: Vocabulary Building - Part 4 of 5 (Matching Activity 2)
TASK 2: Vocabulary Building - Part 5 of 5
TASK 3: Grammar Focus
TASK 4: Grammar Sub-Focus
TASK 5: Speaking - Part 1 of 3
TASK 5: Speaking - Part 2 of 3
TASK 5: Speaking - Part 3 of 3
TASK 6: Reading
TASK 7: Listening
TASK 8: Writing
TASK 9: Real World Practice
TASK 10: Speaking
TASK 11: Module 2 Final Quiz
Module 3: Responsibilities
Learning Objectives
TASK 1: Introduction - Part 1 of 2
TASK 1: Introduction - Part 2 of 2
TASK 2: Grammar Focus
TASK 3: Grammar Sub-focus
TASK 3: Vocabulary Building - Part 1 of 3
TASK 3: Vocabulary Building - Part 2 of 3 (Matching Activity)
TASK 3: Vocabulary Building - Part 3 of 3
TASK 4: Speaking - Part 1 of 2
TASK 4: Speaking - Part 2 of 2
TASK 5: Listening
TASK 6: Reading
TASK 7: Writing
TASK 8: Real World Practice
TASK 9: Speaking
TASK 10: Module 3 Final Quiz
Module 4: Healthy Habits
Learning Objectives
TASK 1: Introduction - Part 1 of 2
TASK 1: Introduction - Part 2 of 2
TASK 2: Grammar Focus
TASK 3: Grammar Sub-focus
TASK 4: Vocabulary Building - Part 1 of 2
TASK 4: Vocabulary Building - Part 2 of 2
TASK 5: Reading (Vocabulary Preview) - Part 1 of 2
TASK 5: Reading - Part 2 of 2
TASK 6: Speaking
TASK 7: Listening
TASK 8: Writing
TASK 9: Real World Practice
TASK 10: Speaking
TASK 11: Module 4 Final Quiz
Module 5: Hometowns and Places
Learning Objectives
TASK 1: Introduction - Part 1 of 2
TASK 1: Introduction - Part 2 of 2
TASK 2: Grammar Focus
TASK 3: Grammar Sub-focus
TASK 4: Vocabulary Building - Part 1 of 2
TASK 4: Vocabulary Building - Part 2 of 2
TASK 5: Listening (Vocabulary Preview) - Part 1 of 2
TASK 5: Listening - Part 2 of 2
TASK 6: Speaking
TASK 7: Reading
TASK 8: Writing
TASK 9: Real World Practice
TASK 10: Speaking
TASK 11: Module 5 Final Quiz
Module 6: Travel and Transportation
Learning Objectives
TASK 1: Introduction - Part 1 of 2
TASK 1: Introduction - Part 2 of 2
TASK 2: Grammar Focus
TASK 3: Grammar Sub-focus
TASK 4: Vocabulary Building - Part 1 of 2
TASK 4: Vocabulary Builder -- Part 2 of 2
TASK 5: Listening
TASK 6: Speaking
TASK 7: Reading
TASK 8: Writing
TASK 9: Real World Practice
TASK 10: Speaking
TASK 11: Module 6 Final Quiz
Course Final Assessment
Almost there!
Course Final Test